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Enriching Literacy Development through Linking a Fictional Story/Text to a Citizenship Learning Context (Week 6)

Welcome parents/carers of 2L!  In this term, we will enrich  our literacy development by linking a fictional story,  The Sandwich Swap  by Queen Rania of Jordan,  Kelly DiPucchio and Tricia Tusa  (2010), to a citizenship learning context (i.e., cultural diversity and identity) as t he multicultural composition of students in our class and school reflects multiculturalism in Australia (Australian Human Rights Commission, n.d.).  Figure 1 . A photo of students in our class/school (Small Ideas Sydney, n.d.). Activating Prior Knowledge As a class, we will discuss what we know about identity and cultural diversity and represent our ideas by creating a mind map. Figure 2 . An example of a mind map. You are encouraged to discuss your identity/cultural identity  with your child at home. Literature As a class, we will read  The Sandwich Swap , a fictional story that helps us understand the significance of celebrating differences and understanding.   Figure 3 .

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